CR4LL: Cardiac Rehabilitation for All

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The showcase of the CHAP team, achievements, and plans for the future.

CR4LL: Cardiac Rehabilitation for All -Project/Grant
Beleigoli, A., Hutchinson, C., Pinero de Plaza, A., Clark, R., Tirimacco, R., Hendriks, J., Versace, V., Tideman, P. A., Lynch, I. & Keech, W.

Presenter: Dr Maria Alejandra Pinero de Plaza, PhD
CR4LL is supported by the Flinders Foundation (1.5-year project – AUD 25K).

CR4LL - A telehealth CR care pathway tailored to the needs and preferences of disadvantaged populations living with CV in rural and remote Australia.

Find the presentation in the documents link (right navigation panel).

Period7 Jun 2022
Held at2022 CHAP Project Showcase, Australia
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Co-designing
  • care pathway
  • country areas
  • telehealth
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • consumer-centric research