High Resolution Concentration Depth Profiles for Analysing Soft Matter Surfaces with NICISS and Electron Spectroscopy

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Prof. Andersson delivered this presentation at the 9th International Workshop on High-Resolution Depth Profiling in Uppsala.

The workshop provides an informal forum for exchange of ideas, discussion of problems and presentation of new results in the field of Low and Medium Energy Ion Scattering, RBS and ERDA and other techniques with atomic layer depth resolution, Narrow Nuclear Resonance Profiling, as well as surface structure determinations using ion beams. Contributions are also solicited from fields that have an impact on, and can be impacted by, the topics above.
Event title9th International Workshop on High-Resolution Depth Profiling
Event typeConference
LocationUppsala, SwedenShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational