Male-Biased Mating Sex Ratios and the Evolution of Human Pair Bonds

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


We present a mathematical model to simulate how stable male-female breeding bonds may have formed in humans. Compared to our closest living primate relatives, human life history involves a greater longevity, which includes a distinctive postmenopausal life stage. The extension of the human lifespan (and of the male fertility period) without lengthening female fertility to later
ages, directly changes the ratio of fertile males to fertile females currently able to conceive, called the operational sex ratio (OSR). Our model is an agent-based model (ABM), in which males compete for paternities using either a multiple-mating or mate-guarding strategy. The model is formulated according to the Gillespie algorithm of determining the times to next events where
individuals go through several distinct life stages: dependant, juvenile, fertile, and post-fertile. We will show preliminary results that suggest the OSR is a good indicator for predicting which strategy males will adopt.
Period9 Feb 2023
Event titleAustralia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematices Annual meeting
Event typeConference
Conference number59th
LocationCairns, AustraliaShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Agent Based Model
  • Operational Sex Ratio