Frail, Homebound and Bedridden People (FHBP) are Australians who live with complex, incapacitating, and debilitating illnesses or injuries that unify them under these crucial characteristics: being trapped and unable to leave home. FHBPdaily life is physically limited to the boundary of their homes. They are a circumscribed population category that indistinctly of their age or health conditions, are unable to leave their homes.
The homebound circumstances distinguished FHBP from those with physical, mental and/or functional impairments provisionally at home because of a temporary accident/illness. The latter can receive regular care, and some can often leave their homes despite experiencing chronic conditions, movement, or energy and/or functional impairments. Therefore, they are not considered as part of our conceptualisation of FHBP.
Research indicates that, after COVID-19, Australia can rapidly overcome critical barriers around the exclusory requirement of physical attendance for FHBP to receive healthcare services. The extended use of digital technologies such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers to enable remote healthcare delivery(i.e. telehealth) has jumped over well described regulatory, financial, cultural, technological, and workforce impediments via the Government quick response to the virus.
However, telehealth services are only available for those who attended a face-to-face appointment within the last 12 months. So, training decision-makers and all the stakeholders (i.e. end-users) connected to the public health & clinical problems affecting FHBP is an identified public health priority for the FHBPprogram.
This research team involves health consumers as co-researchers, technicians, managerial personnel, academics, and clinicians. They have reviewed methods and technologies for evidence-based responses and solutions to support FHBP. The team found that many of the issues faced by FHBP can be monitored, prevented, and addressed via preventative and virtual care technologies.
Please find here links and information about the collaborators of this research program and the resources and skills Dr Pinero and her contributors bring to make this program happen. You will find links to other dissemination pages and evidence about the capacities of Dr Pinero. These details are shared so that potential supporters and partners can assess how the team has been building a body of work and knowledge that makes them capable of co-developing/testing optimal ways of informing change, implementing technological solutions and influencing policies connected to the issues experienced by FHBP.
The work of this group is mentored by thought and practice leaders of high calibre like Professor Alison Kitson, Professor Renuka Visvanathan and Professor Robyn Clark. Their innovative knowledge translation, health promotion, public health strategies, and participatory methods support and permeate the emergent program's research outputs, outcomes and impacts (presented/linked at the right column of this webpage).
Period | Jun 2022 → Jun 2026 |
Degree of Recognition | International |
- Participatory research
- Communities
- Disadvantage
- Equity
- Evaluation
- Public Health Nursing
- Health care
- Health Promotion
- Inclusion
- Technology
- Implementation
- Knowledge Translation
- Science Implementation
- Policy Reading and Planning
Documents & Links
The emergent program's research outputs, outcomes and impacts.
Nurse Cora App - Flinders University & Caring Futures Institute Support
Not-for-profit industry partners: HelpMe Feed Foundation Ltd/Apple Health team
This program trajectory and recognition within the Caring Futures Institute - Flinders University
Dr Pinero attracting 1million+ in research money for technology implementation and translation.
Evidence of Dr Pinero current cultural learning concerning Primary Health Care Providers
Dr Pinero awarded with Priority focus COVID-19 technology grant.
Dr Pinero dissemination work on supporting care using digital technologies.
The emergent program's research outputs, outcomes and impacts.
Dr Pinero training: 2020 -Introduction to Good Clinical Practice V2.0 with ICH E6-R2 2016
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