South Australian Abortion Action Coalition (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of network


Media Coordinator, SAAC
Saaac’s purpose has been to decriminalise abortion in South Australia and to improve access to abortion services. Saaac spearheaded the following:
1. The campaign for legislation to create safe access zones around abortion services. The Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Act 2020 (SA) was passed in November 2020.
2. The campaign for legislation to decriminalise abortion. The Pregnancy Termination Act (2021) was passed in March 2021.
3. During the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown saaac campaigned the Chief Public Health Officer and the Police Commissioner to use the SA Emergency Powers legislation to suspend sections of the Crimes Consolidation Act that exposed abortion patients and their healthcare workers to undue risk of infection.
Period2017 → …
Held atSouth Australian Abortion Action Coalition, Australia
Degree of RecognitionNational