Vascular Cognitive Impairment-no Dementia (VCI-ND), Australian Association of Gerontology webinar for dementia awareness month

  • Harrison, S. (Invited speaker)
  • Kathryn Goozee (Invited speaker)
  • Cassandra Szoeke (Invited speaker)
  • Grace O’Sullivan (Invited speaker)
  • Hannah Keage (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


    More than 353,800 people have dementia in Australia. This number is projected to reach more than 900,000 by 2050. September is Dementia Awareness Month and AAG are proud to have the following experts share their knowledge and expertise about their latest research and findings of this disorder.

    Participants will gain an:

    -Overview of the KARVIAH study and provide an insight into some of the initiatives and challenges ahead for aged care providers, relevant to clinicians.
    -Insight about the concept of Vascular Cognitive Impairment-No Dementia (VCI-ND) has been defined in cohort studies.
    -Positive and negative attitudes, be they personal, familial, or societal were shown to shape approaches to living with dementia.
    -Regular physical activity is the No.1 protecto against cognitive decline.
    Period28 Sept 2016
    Held atAustralian Association of Gerontology Ltd, Australia, Victoria
    Degree of RecognitionNational