11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr Jacqueline Nguyen with the persons below:
Associate Professor Trevor Worthy
- College of Science and Engineering - Casual Professional, Academic Status
Person: Honorary, Other
Professor John Long
- College of Science and Engineering - Strategic Professorship
Person: Teaching Research
Dr Vera Weisbecker
- College of Science and Engineering - Associate Professor in Evolutionary Biology
Person: Teaching Research
Aidan Couzens
- College of Science and Engineering - Academic Status, Casual Professional
Person: Honorary, Other
Professor Corey Bradshaw
- College of Science and Engineering - Matthew Flinders Professor of Global Ecology
Person: Teaching Research
Mr Jacob Blokland
- College of Science and Engineering - Casual Academic
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) - Oasis Project Development Officer
Person: Ph.D., Teaching, Other