Professor Claire Smith
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Professor
Person: Teaching Research
Professor Heather Burke
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Professor
Person: Teaching Research
Associate Professor Alice Gorman
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching Research
Professor Amy Roberts
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Professor
Person: Teaching Research
Susan Arthure
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Casual Academic, Research Fellow (Southeast Asian Ceramic Archaeology Lab)
Person: Teaching, Research
Dr Daryl Wesley
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching Research
Dr Ian Moffat
- College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - Professor of Archaeological Science
Person: Research
J Wilika
External person
Prospect Hill Community Association
External person
Rusalka Rubio Perez
- Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Flinders Medical Centre
External person
Jessica Lowther
External person
G Jackson
External person
Vincent Copley Senior
External person
J. Willika
- Flinders University
- Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation
- Flinders Medical Centre
External person
Jasmine Willika
- Flinders University, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation
External person
Pamkal B
External person
Kellie Pollard
- College of Indigenous Futures, Arts and Society, Charles Darwin University, Australia
External person