Personal profile

Research Biography

Tania was appointed Dean of Law in August 2017 and is a Teaching Specialist (Clinical Practitioner).

Tania teaches in both the undergraduate LLBLP program and Flinders' innovative postgraduate JD program, with a focus on Clinical Legal Education, and Tort Law. She supervises honours students researching the legal implications of emerging technologies.

She was a supervising solicitor at the award-winning Flinders Legal Centre from 2012-2016, and is a member of the Centre’s Executive Management Team.

She has received individual and team university teaching excellence awards, an individual Australian government ALTC citation and a team Australian government AAUT citation in 2016.

Tania's current research interests include future mobility solutions (including automated vehicles and hyperloop technologies), disruption in the legal profession, artificial intelligence and legal tech, and the future of legal education. She sits as SA representative on the National Advisory Board of the Australian Society for Computers and Law. She serves on the National Transport Commission's Automated Vehicles Industry Insights Group. She is a member of the Legal sub-group of the Australian Driverless Vehicle Initiative [ADVI]’s Policy & Risk Group.

Following admission in 1986, Tania worked in private legal practice in Adelaide, focussing primarily on civil litigation, and returned part time to private practice during 2010-11.

She continues to undertake legal consultancy work, particularly in relation to legal implications of grey fleet & light fleet, and regulatory issues re hyperloop technologies.

Research Interests

  • Autonomous/Automated Vehicles and the law (e.g. driverless cars)
  • Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology & smart contracts
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Disruption/future of the legal profession
  • Legal impacts of emerging technologies such as:
  • drones
  • genomics/genetics
  • robots
  • big data
  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • 3D printing
  • internet of things
  • Tort Law
  • Clinical Legal education
  • Professional Identity

Completed Supervisions

Principal Supervisions:
  • HONOURS Dissertation: How will existing principles of contract apply to 'smart contracts' in Australia? (1)
  • HONOURS Dissertation: Vicarious liability for intentional, criminal wrongdoing of employees: the current law of Australia clarified in A, DC v Prince Alfred College Inc (1)
  • HONOURS Supervision - Potential Impacts of Contract Analysis Software on contracting parties, professionals and process (1)
  • HONOURS DISSERTATION - Autonom[y]ous: Australian Privacy Law and the Advent of Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • HONOURS DISSERTATION - New Wine in Old Wineskins: The Implications of Australia's Privacy Laws for Biobanks

Research Areas

  • Law

Supervisory Interests

  • Law and justice sectors
  • Artificial intelligence


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