Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists Scholarship



    Awarded to 6 members of the AACB to attend the QC Update Seminar (18-19 September, Freemantle), the Combined 10th Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical Biochemistry and the 42nd Annual Scientific Conference of the AACB: Towards Better Health, Prediction, Diagnosis and Monitoring (September 18-23, Perth, WA).
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Granting OrganisationsAustralasian Association of Clinical Biocemists

    Awarded at event

    Event titleAustralasian Association of Clinical Biochemists 42nd Annual Scientific Conference
    LocationBurwood Casino Complex, Freemantle, AustraliaShow on map
    Period18 Sept 2004 → 23 Sept 2004
