Locked down: interdisciplinary approaches to isolated, remote, and solitary communities

  • Kotarba, Ania (Chief Investigator (Project Lead))

Project Details


The COVID-19 pandemic has made isolation and remoteness difficult daily experiences for much of the world’s population. “Lockdown” is now an all-too-familiar word. But what is the historical experience of isolation, lockdown, and remoteness? Is their lockdown in the archaeological record? How have people thought about and experienced isolation across millennia? Led by archaeologist Dr Ania Kotarba-Morley, this project is aiming to understand the isolation and lockdown experience of individuals and communities across time and space. This is also an interdisciplinary project, taking in the full range of humanities and social science research at Flinders University, including historians, archaeologists, literature scholars, and anthropologists.
Short titleIsolated, Locked-Down, and Remote Communities
Effective start/end date3/05/21 → …


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