澳大利亞失智症照顧者培訓和支援手冊: 粵語版

Translated title of the contribution: iSupport for dementia program

Lily Xiao, Julie Ratcliffe, Shahid Ullah, Henry Brodaty, Bianca Brijnath, Hui Chen Chang, Huali Wang, Jing Jing Wang, Chih Chia Chang, Timothy Kwok, Mingxia Zhu

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This is the Traditional Chinese (Cantonese) version of Australian iSupport for dementia program.

澳大利亚简体中文版失智症照顾者培训和支持手册改编自世界卫生组织 (WHO) 英文版‘iSupport for Dementia’手册(www.iSupportForDementia.org 1.0 版, 2018年)。该手册经世界卫生组织许可后翻译和改编。澳大利亚政府‘澳中基金会’ 资助了中文版失智症照顾者培训和支持项目在澳大利亚和中国的文化改编和研究 [1]。该手册适用于澳大利亚讲华语的失智症照顾者。该手册不是由世界卫生组织创建的。世界卫生组织不对翻译的内容或准确性负责。英文原版为具有约束力的正版。
Translated title of the contributioniSupport for dementia program
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Place of PublicationBedford Park
PublisherFlinders University
ISBN (Electronic)9781925562958
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Audiobook and accompanying scripts. There is a separate mod 6 module (audiobook and script) in Hong Kong Cantonese


  • dementia care
  • Caregiver
  • dementia care education


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