3D-printed microplate inserts for long term high-resolution imaging of live brain organoids

Mariana Oksdath Mansilla, Camilo Salazar-Hernandez, Sally L. Perrin, Kaitlin G. Scheer, Gokhan Cildir, John Toubia, Kristyna Sedivakova, Melinda N. Tea, Sakthi Lenin, Elise Ponthier, Erica C.F. Yeo, Vinay Tergaonkar, Santosh Poonnoose, Rebecca Ormsby, Stuart M. Pitson, Michael P. Brown, Lisa M. Ebert, Guillermo Gomez

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Organoids are a reliable model used in the study of human brain development and under pathological conditions. However, current methods for brain organoid culture generate tissues that range from 0.5 to 2 mm of size, which need to be constantly agitated to allow proper oxygenation. The culture conditions are, therefore, not suitable for whole-brain organoid live imaging, required to study developmental processes and disease progression within physiologically relevant time frames (i.e. days, weeks, months).

Here we designed 3D-printed microplate inserts adaptable to standard 24 multi-well plates, which allow the growth of multiple organoids in pre-defined and fixed XYZ coordinates. This innovation facilitates high-resolution imaging of whole-cerebral organoids, allowing precise assessment of organoid growth and morphology, as well as cell tracking within the organoids, over long periods. We applied this technology to track neocortex development through neuronal progenitors in brain organoids, as well as the movement of patient-derived glioblastoma stem cells within healthy brain organoids.

This new bioengineering platform constitutes a significant advance that permits long term detailed analysis of whole-brain organoids using multimodal inverted fluorescence microscopy.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Number of pages14
JournalBMC Biomedical Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • 3D-Printed Microplates
  • High-Resolution Imaging
  • Live Brain Organoids


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