A conversation about practice development and knowledge translation as mechanisms to align the academic and clinical contexts for the advancement of nursing practice

Kenneth Walsh, Alison Kitson, Wendy Cross, Debra Thoms, Anna Thornton, Cheryle Moss, Steven Campbell, Iain Graham

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Practice development (PD) and knowledge translation (KT) have emerged recently as methodologies which assist advancement in gathering and using evidence in practice. For nursing to benefit from these methodologies there is a need to advance the dialogue between academia and the service sector concerning the use and further development of these methodologies as well as how we create the most effective partnerships between academia and practice. To advance this dialogue and to gain insights into the similarities and differences between KT and PD and between the academic and the service sectors, four conversations from different leaders in these sectors have been gathered and are presented here.These four discrete narratives are presented to showcase the diversity of sector contexts in relation to PD and KT methodologies. Narrative One focuses on some of the theoretical and policy issues related to creating partnerships between traditional "knowledge creation systems" (universities) and "knowledge utilization systems" Narrative Two discusses how a large school of nursing responded to the challenge of creating partnerships for practice development in an attempt to bridge the academic/service divide and produce benefits to both organisations. Narratives Three and Four describe the view of practice development from the service side. The final section of the paper presents an agenda for discussion and action based on the emerging set of principles.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-75
Number of pages9
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012


  • Evidence based practice
  • Knowledge translation
  • Nursing
  • Practice development


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