A novel system to measure ophthalmic quality of life: the Eye-tem Bank

K. Pesudovs, J. Khadka, M. Prem Senthil, E. Fenwick, E. Lamoureux

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Purpose: We aim to develop comprehensive and technologically advanced web-based quality of life (QoL) patient-reported outcome measures in the form of item banking implemented via a computer adaptive testing system for all eye diseases (the Eye-tem Bank) suitable for all population worldwide.
Setting: Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide; the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide; the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Melbourne; Ashford Advanced Eye Clinic, Adelaide; Adelaide Eye and Retina Centre; Adelaide.
Methods: The Eye-tem Bank has 13 disease modules: age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinal detachment (RD) , other vitreo-retinal, cornea, refractive error, cataract, amblyopia & strabismus, lacrimal & ocular surface, inflammation other than uveitis, uveitis spectrum of diseases and neuro-ophthalmic). Each disease-specific module undergoes a systematic four-phase method for development: Phase I, item identification using qualitative methods (literature, patients and experts consultations); Phase II: Pilot testing the initial item sets for item calibration using Rasch analysis; Phase III: Validation of the module implemented via a CAT system; and Phase IV: Evaluating QoL impact using each disease-specific module.
Results: A total of 547 patients participated in phase I (disease-specific 52 focus groups and 326 interviews). The other vitreo-retinal group is separated into hereditary (HD) and acquired (AD) because only 29% of QoL issues are common between these two. Pilot instruments have been developed for AMD, glaucoma, DR, HD and AD. A total of 1651 unique items have been identified across these modules. Around 50% of these items are common. Phase II for DR and glaucoma have been completed and both modules demonstrated promising Rasch-analysis based psychometric properties. Phase II data collection is ongoing for AMD, HD and AD.
Conclusions: Phase I of the Eye-tem Bank has been completed. Less than half of the items are common across the disease groups which signify that each disease group requires a disease-specific measure. Based on this, we hypothesise that the final Eye-tem Bank will have a core item set comprising common items and disease-specific item sets. The pilot items of glaucoma and DR modules have been calibrated using Rasch analysis to setup CAT system. Each disease-specific CAT will be subjected to a series of validity and reliability tests. All the other modules will follow the same development steps.
Financial Disclosure: NONE
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event XXXIV Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) 2016 - Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 10 Sept 2016 → …


Conference XXXIV Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) 2016
City Copenhagen
Period10/09/16 → …


  • The Eye-tem Bank
  • eye diseases
  • computer adaptive testing system


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