A theory-based research literacy intervention for nurses: A pilot study

Sonia Hines, Joanne Ramsbotham, Fiona Coyer

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Objectives: Difficulties with understanding research literature can lead to nurses having low engagement with evidence-based practice (EBP). This study aimed to test the feasibility of an education intervention using an academic literacies approach to improve nurses' research literacy. 

Methods: An interactive workshop was devised utilizing genre analysis and tested in a pre/post pilot study. EBP self-efficacy was measured at baseline and posttest using the Self-Efficacy in Evidence-Based Practice instrument (26 items on an 11-point scale for total scores from 0 to 260). Research comprehension was measured with a 10-question quiz (range 0−10). 

Results: When analyzed with a paired t-test, EBP self-efficacy increased significantly (MD: 56.9, SD: 39.9, t = 4.5, df = 9, p <.001). Research comprehension also improved (MD: 1.1; SD: 1.1, t = 2.9, df 9, p <.01). The workshop evaluations (n = 9) were overwhelmingly positive. 

Conclusion: This novel approach to research pedagogy aligns well with adult learning theory and social learning theory and is suitable for small group learning in continuing education. There is considerable potential for further work in this area. Genre analysis shows promise as a strategy for teaching nurses to understand research literature.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1052-1058
Number of pages7
JournalNursing Forum
Issue number6
Early online date19 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022


  • education
  • evidence based
  • innovations
  • quantitative
  • research
  • teaching/learning


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