Airborne observations of turbulence, mixing, and gravity waves in the tropopause region

Edward Pavelin, James A. Whiteway, Reinhold Busen, Jörg Hacker

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    In situ observations of small-scale dynamics and compositional structure in the tropopause region are presented. The measurements were made aboard the Grob "Egrett" high-altitude research aircraft above Aberystwyth, Wales, in the summer of 2000. The observations presented here show evidence of mixing of ozone and water vapor in a patch of intense turbulence just above the tropopause. This turbulence is shown to be the result of wind shear above a tropospheric jet stream. The value of the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient in this turbulence is estimated to be 0.9 m2 s-1. It is also shown that wavelike perturbations superimposed on the overall tracer structure can be accounted for by a gravity wave.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number4084
    Number of pages6
    JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
    Issue numberD10
    Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2002


    • Aircraft measurements
    • Atmospheric chemistry
    • Jet stream
    • Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
    • Tropopausal turbulence
    • Wave breaking


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