Amphetamine Cessation Symptom Assessment (ACSA): Description, strengths and knowledge gaps.

Jane Fischer, Ann Roche, Vinita Duraisingam

    Research output: Other contribution


    Standardised tools are important for safely monitoring psychoactive drug use withdrawal. As part of the development of an online collection of commonly used AOD withdrawal tools, a desktop review of the Amphetamine Cessation Symptom Assessment (ACSA): was conducted to ascertain appropriate populations, diagnostics, utility, resources and knowledge gaps. This overview is the result of that review.
    Original languageEnglish
    TypeDesktop Review: Withdrawal Instrument - ACSA
    Media of outputPrimarily Electronic PDF
    PublisherNational Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University.
    Number of pages4
    Place of PublicationSouth Australia
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021

    Publication series

    NameAOD Screening & Withdrawal Tools Collection


    • withdrawal symptoms
    • drug and alcohol use
    • review
    • ACSA
    • Amphetamine


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