An Introduction To Early Health Technology Assessment

Janet Bouttell, Andrew Partington

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Alignment of clinical and policy approaches to HTA is supported by HTA that explores the value of health technologies from an early stage of development. This steers the development, research and implementation of technologies from multiple perspectives. In this workshop we provide a practical and interactive introduction to state-of-the-art methods to assess (potential) value before clinical evidence is available.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2023
EventHealth Technology Assessment International (HTAi) 2023 Annual Meeting : The road to policy and clinical integration - Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 24 Jun 202328 Jun 2023


ConferenceHealth Technology Assessment International (HTAi) 2023 Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleHTAi 2023
OtherThe road to policy and clinical integration for health technologies is filled with diverse and complex challenges to overcome, often made more arduous by the intricate and nuanced processes and rules relative to jurisdictions, agencies, policymakers, and systems. Subjugating these challenges requires a harmonized framework to examine and evaluate health technologies, and alignment of processes throughout the health technology lifecycle is crucial.

Enabling the integration of clinical and policy approaches to health technologies is dependent upon methods for facilitating timely and funded access to clinical innovation for patients and health professionals; horizontal consistency in approaches for evaluating and approving health technologies by regulators and payers; and better vertical alignment in decision-making across all elements in the health system involved with regulation, funding, implementation, and re-assessment. With current legislative developments across Europe and financial pressure throughout the world, most notably felt among developing economies, enabling efficient processes to accelerate access to cost-effective technologies is more pertinent than ever.

Discussions on these topics will explore questions such as:

How can we build pathways to fast-track innovation while minimizing risk?
What supports are required to harmonize HTA processes between similar jurisdictions?
What is the feasibility of aligning technology evaluation processes and decisions in an era of sustainable development?
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Bibliographical note

Workshop held Saturday June 24, 13:00 - 16:30, WS08


  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA)


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