An organ fragment culture model to study lymphocyte activation in human lymphoid tissue

Lucy M. Ferro, Helen M. Weedon, Loretta R. Flego, Dimitra Beroukas, Heddy Zola

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    We have established and evaluated an organ fragment culture model for the study of human lymphocyte activation and differentiation.Small fragments of tonsillar tissue were cultured on Gelfoam for periods of up to 7 days.Monoclonal antibody in the medium was able to diffuse into the tissue, as demonstrated by subsequent detection of antibody-coated cells.Phytohaemagglutinin added to the culture medium caused activation of T and B cells, as indicated by changes in expression of a number of markers.Antibody against human IgM (added as a F(ab′)2 fragment) together with IL-4 caused B cell activation, detectable by an increased expression of CD23 and other markers.Cell viability fell gradually in culture, but useful data could nevertheless be obtained from culture periods up to 7 days.The organ fragment culture provides a model for the study of T and B cell activation which maintains, at least in part, the intercellular interactions and the native microenvironment of lymphoid tissue.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)51-61
    Number of pages11
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 1993


    • freezing medium for cryosectioning
    • international units
    • IU
    • OTC
    • PHA
    • phytohaemagglutinin
    • pokeweed mitogen
    • PWM


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