Another perspective on land use-transport integration models: integrated demand forecasting for household transport, energy, water and waste.

Michael Taylor, Nicholas Holyoak

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This paper describes the development of an integrated energy, transport, water and waste (ETWW) demand estimation tool with detailed scenario forecasting abilities for residential precincts. As such it provides a new perspective on land use-transport modelling. The model outputs provide detailed estimations of household demands and resulting carbon impacts across the four infrastructure domains. Impacts of non-residential land uses including high-value industry, retail, commercial and open space are also considered and reported on. Estimation processes recognise commonalities that exist in data requirements across modelling domains with the use of a single input data repository to improve model efficiency and output accuracy. It further allows for study of the potential interactions between the domains at the household level (e.g. energy and transport).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventAustralian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management 2019 National Traffic and Transport Conference - Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 30 Jul 20192 Aug 2019


ConferenceAustralian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management 2019 National Traffic and Transport Conference
Internet address


  • transport planning
  • precinct
  • demand forecasting
  • emissions


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