Aspects of DNA transfer relevant to forensic investigations

Roland van Oorschot, Bianca Szkuta, Georgina E. Meakin, Bas Kokshoorn, Mariya Goray

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Since the initial application of DNA profiling to assist in investigations of criminal activity, the analysis of human DNA has become a major tool in efforts to solve crimes. With the development of new profiling methodologies, the generation of DNA profiles has become easier, quicker, more sensitive, and more discriminating. The discovery in 1997 that DNA profiles can be generated from objects touched by hands, has significantly expanded the scope of objects and surfaces that can be targeted to aid crime investigations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProgrès récents en empreintes génétiques et en ADN de transfert
EditorsBruce Budowle, Roland Van Oorschot, Niels Morling, Marian Martinez de Pancorbo, Alice Piters, Audrey Esponda, Guillaume Monique, Christian Doutremepuich
Place of PublicationBordeaux
PublisherLaboratoire d'Hematologie Medico-Legale
Number of pages24
ISBN (Print)9782954625331
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • DNA transfer
  • DNA profile
  • Activity level assessment
  • Substrates
  • Objects


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