Assessment design in an online Health Professions Education course: helping students see assessment differently

Amy Seymour-Walsh

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    The online teaching environment allows busy health care professionals (HCPs) to complete further study amidst busy schedules. While this can allow learners the flexibility to negotiate multiple demands, sometimes the busyness of life can lead to assessments being conceived as a hurdle to clear before continuing on. How
    students conceptualise an assessment effects their transformation, the workload of assessing academics, and successful course completion. This presentation will outline the assessment redesign in a postgraduate health professions education (HPE) topic to address these issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2020
    EventAustralian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators, ANZAHPE 2020 Vision for Learning Cultures Conference (Conference Cancelled). - Pullman Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
    Duration: 12 Jul 202015 Jul 2020


    ConferenceAustralian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators, ANZAHPE 2020 Vision for Learning Cultures Conference (Conference Cancelled).
    Abbreviated titleANZAHPE 2020
    Internet address


    • online education
    • health professions
    • assessment


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