Assessment of the training and quality systems for the TTANGO3 (Test, Treat And GO) sexually transmitted infection (STI) point-of-care testing network.

Mark Shephard, Kelly Andrewartha, Sue Matthews, Gabi Hewer, Louise Causer, Kirsty Smith, Rebecca Guy

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: In TTANGO3, molecular-based point-of-care testing (POCT) for chlamydia (CT), gonorrhoea (NG) and trichomoniasis (TV) is conducted on the Cepheid GeneXpert® in regional/remote Australian Indigenous communities across five states/territories. The program evolved from a randomised controlled trial (TTANGO) and a translational research project (TTANGO2) into routine operation in 51 regional/remote health services, 86% of which also participate in the COVID-19 POCT Program. Here we describe the rigorous training and quality management framework which underpins TTANGO3.

Methods: The program’s training resource package includes a training manual, quick-reference step-by-step posters, and videos. Flexible training options comprise on-site visits, centralised training sessions, and online presentations utilising GoToMeeting and Webex. Written and practical competency assessments are completed to attain competency, with a one-year expiry. All services participate in quality control (QC) testing (monthly, positive sample) and external quality assurance (EQA) testing (2-3 events per year, 5 samples of varying positivity per event) to monitor analytical quality.

Results: 797 operators have achieved competency, with 228 renewals also issued. 72% of operators were nurses and 18% Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners. 358 training sessions have been undertaken, with 80% for new operators, and 20% for competency renewal. Pre-2020, 37% of 281 training sessions were conducted face-to-face. Since 2020, >90% of 77 training sessions were web-based. Since 2016, 1488 CT/NG QC (positive) tests were performed with mean annual concordance of 100%. For TV, which commenced in 2018, 1108 QC (positive) tests had a mean annual concordance ranging from 99.6% - 100%. For CT/NG EQA testing, mean concordance across 15 surveys (n=1512 tests) was 97.9% (range 86-100%). For TV EQA testing, mean concordance across 9 testing surveys (n=761 tests) was 99.2% (range 97-100%).

Conclusion: The TTANGO3 training and quality system has built a strong workforce that can conduct STI POCT in remote areas to a high analytical standard.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Mar 2023
EventAustralasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases - Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 14 Mar 202315 Mar 2023
Conference number: 1st (Conference link)


ConferenceAustralasian Conference on Point of Care Testing for Infectious Diseases
Abbreviated titlePOC23
OtherTo accelerate access to new point-of-care technology, we need research in all these areas to provide the most effective implementation pathways. To respond to this evolving challenge, ASHM and the RAPID Point of Care Research Consortium for infectious disease in the Asia Pacific made the decision to run this two-day conference.

The conference will collaborate with leading scientists, clinicians, and other stakeholders to develop a program on the ever-evolving landscape of point-of-care testing for infectious diseases and provide time to discuss challenges and solutions to scaling up point-of-care testing in this setting.
Internet address


  • sexually transmitted infection
  • Point of care testing
  • operator
  • training
  • quality


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