Assistive technologies and industrial transformation (summary)

John Spoehr, Lance Worrall, Simon Molloy

    Research output: Other contributionpeer-review

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    South Australia urgently needs to diversify its industry base. It is necessary to respond to the impending loss of sophisticated manufacturing capabilities, such as automotive production, through diversification strategies. Otherwise key industrial capabilities will be lost permanently. The current shake out of Australian manufacturing has many sources. But today, Australianmanufacturing business cannot be competitive where the primary basis of competition is scale and unit cost. Given its cost structures, Australia needs to focus on knowledge-intensive, complex high margin products and services that provide opportunities for internationally competitive manufacturing based on short production runs, medium to high complexity, high variability of output and high levels of customisation. This is ‘new manufacturing’, and significant segments of the assistive technologies market align with it.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherWISeR, The University of Adelaide
    Number of pages2
    Place of PublicationAdelaide, Australia
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • assistive technologies
    • Stretton Centre
    • South Australia
    • industry
    • diversification strategies
    • manufacturing industries


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