Barriers and facilitators to the professional integration of internationally qualified nurses in Australia: a mixed methods systematic review protocol

Marcela Correa-Betancour, Kanchan Marcus, Madhan Balasubramanian, Stephanie Short

Research output: Other contribution


Barriers and facilitators to the professional integration of internationally qualified nurses in Australia influence their retention.

Participants: This review will consider all studies that involve overseas qualified nurses registered to work in Australia and their professional integration. The studies will not be limited to the country of origin or language spoken by the nurses, the number of years living in Australia or the area of expertise.
Phenomena of interest: the phenomena of interest will be the professional integration of overseas qualified nurses working in Australia.
Original languageEnglish
TypeSystematic Review Protocol
PublisherOpen Science Framework
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2022


  • internationally qualified nurses
  • nurse
  • nurse migration
  • overseas qualified nurses


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