Being a lawyer: Professionalism, values and service

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


I first met Michael Coper in the winter of2008 when I was invited to the ANU College of Law as a Distinguished Visiting Mentor (a scheme invented by Michael) and John Fleming Visiting Fellow. I was keen to take up this invitation as I had read Dean Coper's wise and friendly welcome message which seemed to me to encapsulate - neatly and succinctly - the mission and core values all law schools should aspire to. This message also gives some insight into Michael's many qualities, both as a scholar and as a human being (and his photograph seemed to confirm the image of a wise, astute and kindly man). I was therefore a Coper fan before we had even met: impressed by his capacity to communicate, his passion for his discipline, his respect for legal values and his obvious pride in the ANU College of Law. 1 It is worth recounting in some detail what Michael said in his Dean's welcome, especially as this is no longer easily accessible.2Michael began by explaining why he was very willing to serve a third term as Dean (revealing darker skills of political survival, constitutional interpretation, not to mention physical stamina - or perhaps a third term simply reflects a failure to implement effectively a succession plan?) 3
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncounters with Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Education
Subtitle of host publicationEssays in Honour of Michael Coper
EditorsJames Stellios
Place of PublicationAnnandale, N.S.W.
PublisherThe Federation Press
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)978-7-6002-1627
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Professionalism
  • Values
  • Law
  • Lawyer
  • Law reform
  • social justice


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