Beyond safe practice: developing comprehensive professional skills in midwifery students

Kristen Graham, Sharon Rance, Lois McKellar, Linda Sweet, Wendy Foster

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Midwifery education providers aim to produce graduate midwives who are knowledgeable, clinically competent and safe practitioners who meet the minimum requirements for registration (Butler et al., 2008). Despite this, graduates are not always adequately prepared for the full scope of professional skills required by the workforce without needing to undertake further postgraduate study. For example, graduates are required to supervise, teach and assess students in the clinical area, and yet these skills are often not included in their pre-registration education (Rance and Sweet, 2016). Additional professional expectations that are challenging for graduates include; team leadership, professional development and advocacy skills; multi-disciplinary collaboration; active engagement in research and incorporating research evidence into policy and practice; community level health promotion and partnerships; and advancing public health policy. There is a need to consider innovative ways to include these comprehensive professional skills during undergraduate education.

This interactive workshop provides an opportunity for midwifery clinicians and educators to share perspectives of the workplace readiness of graduate midwives and learn about and share innovative educational ideas and strategies to better equip midwifery students with these key comprehensive professional skills.

At the conclusion of the workshop participants will be able to:

–Recognise midwifery professional skills requiring further emphasis in pre-registration curricula to produce empowered and work-ready midwives
–Identify educational strategies to prepare midwifery students for the requirements of professional practice
–Develop a plan for integration of innovative strategies into their midwifery education programs
–Generate potential ongoing research and collaborative educational projects
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWomen and Birth
Place of PublicationAustrralia
PublisherElsevier Inc.
Number of pages1
EditionSupplement 1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019
EventThe power, passion and politics of midwifery: 2019 Australian College of Midwives National Conference - National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia
Duration: 17 Sept 201919 Sept 2019


ConferenceThe power, passion and politics of midwifery
Internet address


  • Midwifery education
  • students
  • assessment methods


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