Calculating the personal, community and social impact: a social return on investment analysis of vehicle modifications for people with disability

Angela Berndt, Claire Hutchinson, Susan Gilbert-Hunt, Stacey George, Julie Ratcliffe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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With vehicle modifications (VMs), it is possible for many people with acquired disability to return to driving as part of their rehabilitation goals. VMs can range from simple and relatively inexpensive, to highly complex and costly. Though a number of schemes have funded VMs, it is envisaged that NDIS will become a major future funder of VMs for people with disability. Therefore, it is important for funders and other key stakeholders to understand the personal, community and social impact of VMs to justify such investment. We present our recent findings from conducting a social return on investment analysis of VMs.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventAustralasian Road Safety Conference -
Duration: 3 Oct 20185 Oct 2018


ConferenceAustralasian Road Safety Conference


  • vehicle modifications
  • persons with disabilities
  • social impacts
  • cost benefit analysis
  • disabled person
  • health
  • investment
  • social costs
  • vehicle design


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