Cannabis makes the grade: a resource to support the development of a 'cannabis competent' workforce in the AOD sector

Michael White, Ann Roche, Allan Trifonoff, Etty Matalon, Kathryn Elkins

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    [5] Introduction Many people working in the alcohol and other drugs (AOD) sector in Australia gain a vocational education and training (VET) qualification through education undertaken at a registered training organisation (RTO). RTOs include both public (Technical and Further Education providers – usually referred to as TAFEs) and enterprise, government or privately owned providers (usually referred to as RTOs). All RTOs delivering nationally accredited AOD qualifications and Units of Competency use the Community Service Training Package (CHC08). The Training Package is a nationally endorsed and integrated set of competency standards. This VET Training Enhancement Project was developed to facilitate the incorporation of cannabis training content and assessment activities by RTOs delivering AOD qualifications and Units of Competency. Primary drivers for this work were: the high prevalence of cannabis use in Australia; risks of harm associated with cannabis use; and evidence showing that many students exiting VET AOD training lacked the necessary skills and knowledge to address client’s cannabis issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAdelaide
    PublisherNational Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University.
    Number of pages98
    ISBN (Print)9781876897581
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


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