Co-debriefing Virtual Simulations: An International Perspective

Sandra Goldsworthy, Kate Goodhand, Sue Baron, Didy Button, Steve Hunter, Liz McNeill, Fiona Budden, Alison McIntosh, Clair Kay, Lisa Fasken

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Co-debriefing is a process in which two or more individuals facilitate a simulation debriefing. Debriefing is considered an essential best practice that occurs as soon after a simulation as possible and should be conducted by experienced debriefers. This paper will describe the lessons learned, challenges and future considerations for co-debriefing a virtual simulation experience. The international co-debriefing team in this study included 11 nursing faculty from five universities in four countries (Canada, England, Scotland and Australia). Primary benefits of co-debriefing included: mentorship for less experienced debriefers and deeper learning for students by providing multiple perspectives. Challenges included consideration of various time zones for international planning meetings and adaptation of the virtual simulation to the country context. Group sizes of six to eight students were optimal for the debrief and a co-debriefing checklist for all co-debriefers helped maintain consistency with the debrief, assisted in developing a game plan among debriefers, and helped in planning contingencies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-4
Number of pages4
JournalClinical Simulation in Nursing
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022


  • co-debriefing
  • debriefing
  • nursing
  • nursing students
  • virtual simulation


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