Co-designing rural community interventions for healthier choices: Research Materials

Svetlana Bogomolova, Julia Carins

Research output: Other contribution

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This document presents a portfolio of research materials that were developed as part of the collaborative research project between researchers at the Centre for Social Impact Flinders (formerly at the University of South Australia) and The Barossa Co-op, a large regional retailer in South Australia. The project team was awarded funding through Wellbeing SA (formerly SA Health), under the SA Healthy Towns Challenge grant scheme.
The aim of this portfolio of research documents is to disseminate high-quality bespoke research materials developed during the project to enrich the body of knowledge on co-design methods. The intension is to better equip academic and practitioner community with practical tools and guidance on conducting co-design research. The authors share the materials as open access and free of charge.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherFlinders University
Place of PublicationSouth Australia
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

The Research materials are connected to the report:
Strategies for Supporting Healthier Choices: Co-design with Rural Communities and Practitioners: research report.


  • co-design
  • food choices
  • Supermarket
  • rural


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