Collaborative Mission Planning for Autonomous Maritime Vehicles

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The exploration of unknown environments, often presents unforeseen challenges and inherent risks due to the uncertainties involved. While single autonomous systems are capable of completing complex missions, the introduction of multi-robotic teams can permit increased level of efficiency to a given task, especially when these tasks cover large areas and mission completion time is a critical constraint. The use of heterogeneous robotic teams of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) and seabed crawler vehicles can further facilitate a higher degree of flexibility and redundancy when analysing complex environments under diverse environmental conditions. The challenge of traditional autonomous-vehicle team-based localisation and control techniques are, however, considerably magnified in the underwater domain by the lower reliability and potential asynchronicity of underwater acoustic communications as compared to RF based communication in the above water domain. This complicates possible mission tasking approaches for hybrid teams of autonomous marine vehicles in terms of obtaining a shared understanding of the environment and the team status, thus requiring new solutions for control, coordination, collaboration and communication to overcome these complications. This brings the need to investigate efficient reasoning processes, communication strategies and underlying low-level control mechanisms necessary to coordinate heterogeneous teams of autonomous marine vehicles, in dynamic and uncertain environments. An underlying assumption of this work is that the autonomous …
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022
EventDagstuhl Seminar: 21492 – Representing and Solving Spatial Problems - Wadern, Germany
Duration: 5 Dec 202110 Dec 2021


SeminarDagstuhl Seminar: 21492 – Representing and Solving Spatial Problems
Internet address


  • autonomous maritime vehicles
  • collaborative mission planning


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