Conceptualising sustainability in outer space resource utilisation

Melissa de Zwart, Stacey Henderson, Michelle Neumann

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This article examines the meaning of the concept of sustainability with respect to space activities, with specific emphasis on the extraction and utilisation of space resources. In particular, the article explores the legal principles that currently regulate and are proposed to regulate space resource activities and how these relate to sustainability as a way of developing our general understanding of sustainability in space. As an Artemis Accords participant, Australia is engaged in international discussions regarding space resource utilisation. Australia will have to consider how it will regulate space resource activities undertaken by Australians. It concludes that the current international space law regime must evolve to ensure that all space activities, including space resource activities, are undertaken in a sustainable manner.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)481-505
Number of pages25
JournalGriffith Law Review
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Outer space
  • sustainability
  • resources
  • Artemis Accords
  • space law
  • international law


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