Control of arc suppression devices for reducing powerline bushfires in resonant grounded power distribution networks using global terminal sliding mode controller

Tushar Kanti Roy, Md Apel Mahmud

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This paper proposes a global terminal-sliding mode controller (GT-SMC) to compensate powerline bushfires due to electric faults in power distribution networks using arc suppression devices (ASDs). A GT-sliding surface along with a new quick reaching law is used to design the controller. The major control objective is to compensate the fault current caused by single line-to-ground (SLG) faults to a value that cannot ignite fires in bushfire prone areas. A T-type residual current compensator inverter within an ASD is controlled to achieve the goal. An integral-sliding mode controller (I-SMC) is also designed using a conventional reaching law for comparing the performance. Simulations studies and processor-in-loop implementations are carried out to investigate the ability of the GT-SMC over an I-SMC over a range of fault impedance scenarios. Dynamic properties of the voltage and current due to SLG faults along with the current injection by the ASD are analyzed against the standard criteria, to be followed to get rid of powerline bushfires. Results under different operating scenarios indicate that both controllers are capable to maintain standard criteria for preventing powerline bushfires though the GT-SMC is proven to exhibit superior transient responses to that of the I-SMC and integral backstepping controller.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2773-2787
Number of pages15
JournalIET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Issue number12
Early online date11 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • arc suppression devices
  • global terminal sliding mode controller
  • power distribution networks
  • powerline bushfires
  • resonant grounding


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