title = "Core outcome set for surgical trials in gastric cancer (GASTROS study): international patient and healthcare professional consensus",
abstract = "Background: Surgery is the primary treatment that can offer potential cure for gastric cancer, but is associated with significant risks. Identifying optimal surgical approaches should be based on comparing outcomes from well designed trials. Currently, trials report different outcomes, making synthesis of evidence difficult. To address this, the aim of this study was to develop a core outcome set (COS) - a standardized group of outcomes important to key international stakeholders - that should be reported by future trials in this field. Methods: Stage 1 of the study involved identifying potentially important outcomes from previous trials and a series of patient interviews. Stage 2 involved patients and healthcare professionals prioritizing outcomes using a multilanguage international Delphi survey that informed an international consensus meeting at which the COS was finalized. Results: Some 498 outcomes were identified from previously reported trials and patient interviews, and rationalized into 56 items presented in the Delphi survey. A total of 952 patients, surgeons, and nurses enrolled in round 1 of the survey, and 662 (70 per cent) completed round 2. Following the consensus meeting, eight outcomes were included in the COS: disease-free survival, disease-specific survival, surgery-related death, recurrence, completeness of tumour removal, overall quality of life, nutritional effects, and 'serious' adverse events. Conclusion: A COS for surgical trials in gastric cancer has been developed with international patients and healthcare professionals. This is a minimum set of outcomes that is recommended to be used in all future trials in this field to improve trial design and synthesis of evidence.",
keywords = "gastric cancer, surgical trials, core outcome set, clinical trials",
author = "B. Alkhaffaf and A. Metryka and Blazeby, {J. M.} and Glenny, {A. M.} and Adeyeye, {A. Adetoyese} and Costa, {P. M.} and {Diez Del Val}, I. and Gisbertz, {S. S.} and A. Guner and S. Law and Lee, {H. J.} and Z. Li and K. Nakada and D. Reim and P. Vorwald and Baiocchi, {G. L.} and W. Allum and Chaudry, {M. A.} and Griffiths, {E. A.} and Williamson, {P. R.} and Bruce, {I. A.} and {behalf of the GASTROS International Working Group} and S. Li and He, {Y. L.} and Z. Xu and Y. Xue and H. Liang and G. Li and E. Zhao and P. Neumann and L. O'neill and E. Guinan and D. Zanotti and {De Manzoni}, G. and Hagens, {E. R.C.} and {Van Berge Henegouwen}, {M. I.} and P. Lages and S. Onofre and {Restrepo Nu{\~n}ez}, {R. M.} and Caba{\~n}as, {G. Salcedo} and Gonzalez, {M. Posada} and Campos, {C. Marin} and B. Candas and Baki, {B. Emre} and Bodur, {M. Selim} and R. Yildirim and Cekic, {A. Burak} and Brown, {J. D.} and K. Hayes and I. Daher and {Gianchandani Moorjani}, {R. H.} and Adeyeye, {A. Adetoyese} and Olayide, {A. Sulaiman} and Leon-Takahashi, {A. Mitsuo} and Rabanal, {A. Pueyo} and A. Peri and A. Boddy and A. Novotny and A. Charalabopoulos and A. Alemdar and A. Souadka and {Rodrigues Gomes}, {A. M.} and A. L{\'a}zaro and {Da Silva}, {A. Maciel} and {Silva e Santos}, {A. do Ros{\'a}rio da Concei{\c c}ao} and A. Guidi and {Silva Bernardes}, {A. J.} and A. Quinn and A. Isik and Slipek, {A. A.} and Altinbas, {B. Candas} and Alegbeleye, {B. Johnson} and Eom, {B. Wool} and B. Frittoli and B. Lonsdale and B. Rogers and Ammori, {B. J.} and B. Rau and B. Molteni and Byrne, {B. E.} and Villac{\'i}s-Bermeo, {B. A.} and {Villac{\'i}s Gallardo}, {B. E.} and B. K{\"o}se and {Sampedro Nogueira}, {C. J.} and C. Loureiro and {Oliveira de Sousa}, {C. M.} and Collins, {C. G.} and Ekwunife, {C. Nonso} and Osuagwu, {C. Chukwunwendu} and Wong, {C. L.Y.} and C. Winkler and D. Reim and Kj{\ae}r, {D. W.} and D. Cooper and D. Horner and D. Irvine and Bowrey, {D. J.} and Chuter, {D. J.} and D. Elliot and D. Mcghee and D. Toth and D. {\"O}fner and Manatakis, {D. K.} and {Silveira Martins}, {D. R.} and Belt, {E. J.T.} and E. Cattaneo and E. Samadov and E. Colak and E. Treppiedi and E. Guglielmi and E. Redondo-Villahoz and E. Ciferri and Graaf, {E. Tiemens De} and E. Cocozza and E. Pape and Drozdov, {E. S.} and F. Enrico and F. Rashid and F. Marco and F. Rosa and Navarro, {F. Mingol} and Perrotta, {F. Simionato} and Chan, {F. S.Y.} and {Saavedra Tomasich}, {F. D.} and Takeda, {F. R.} and F. Farrell and Wuraola, {F. Olanike} and G. Rosero and G. Bevilacqua and G. Baronio and G. Mura and {De Manzoni}, G. and G. D'Eugenio and G. Ortega-Perez and G. Tilt and G. Sutcliffe and G. Mureddu and {Guerra Jacob}, G. and Daneri, {G. H.} and Gbenga, {H. Olufemi} and H. Okabe and Smith, {I. Kingsford} and Lateef, {I. Olawale} and I. Garosio and I. Hatipoglu and I. Gockel and I. Negoi and Min, {I. S.H.} and Mesquita, {I. M.M.} and {Del Val}, {I. Diez} and Leemhuis, {J. H.F.} and Gossage, {J. A.} and J. Weindelmayer and Izbicki, {J. R.} and Manson, {J. Mc Kenzie} and J. Kelly and Stoot, {J. H.M.B.} and Haveman, {J. W.} and J. Sultan and J. Hassall and {Van Sandick}, J. and Saunders, {J. H.} and Clarke, {J. K.} and J. Heisterkamp and {Vargas R}, {J. I.} and {Couselo Villanueva}, {J. M.} and J. Ingmire and J. McEwen and {\'A}lvarez, {J. Galindo} and J. Turner and J. Peng and K. Roberts and Brandon, {K. G.} and K. Mitchell and K. Mccarthy and K. Akhtar and Mikhailovich, {K. N.} and L. Corbelli and Milhomem, {L. Medeiros} and L. Solaini and L. Fengyuan and L. Xinchun and L. Timmermans and L. Porritt and L. Taglietti and L. Bonavina and Pinheiro, {L. F.} and {De Los Angeles Mayo Ossorio}, M. and M. Schiavo and M. Marchesiello and {Das Dores Vieira Leite}, M. and M. DeMois and Gonzalez, {M. Posada} and {Di Felice}, {M. T.} and {Van Berge Henegouwen}, {M. I.} and {De Sousa}, {M. D.} and M. Takahashi and M. Forshaw and M. Berselli and M. Paro and Usta, {M. A.} and Yan, {M. H.} and M. Pinchin and M. Caprioli and M. Rubbini and M. Cowen and {Herrera Servin}, {M. A.} and Li, {M. Z.} and M. Sasako and Jahit, {M. Shukri} and Muhinga, {M. Ngonyoku} and Tareen, {M. A.} and Ahmad, {M. F.} and Bodur, {M. S.} and M. Kaban and N. Farooq and N. Coburn and N. Cooper and Blencowe, {N. S.} and N. Loria and {de Vries}, N. and Andreollo, {N. Adami} and N. K{\"o}ksal and N. Zanini and N. Kreuser and N. Okkabaz and O. Damiana and O. Afuwape and Fasiku, {O. Kayode} and O. Comensoli and Koroye, {O. F.} and P. Capener and P. Morgagni and {Pernadas Lages}, {P. M.} and Wilkerson, {P. M.} and P. Turner and P. Dutton and P. Hayes and P. Vorwald and P. Singh and Q. Gan and Seenivasagam, {R. Kottayasamy} and {Ayloor Seshadri}, R. and R. Douglas and R. Shaw and Barreto, {S. G.} and X. Huang and X. Wang and Chen, {X. Z.} and Y. Wang",
year = "2021",
month = oct,
doi = "10.1093/bjs/znab192",
language = "English",
volume = "108",
pages = "1216--1224",
journal = "British Journal of Surgery",
issn = "0007-1323",
publisher = "Oxford Academic",
number = "10",