Correction:Usual Nutrient Intake Distribution and Prevalence of Inadequacy among Australian Children 0–24 Months: Findings from the Australian Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (OzFITS) 2021.(Nutrients, (2022), 14, (1381)

Najma A. Moumin, Merryn J. Netting, Rebecca K. Golley, Chelsea E. Mauch, Maria Makrides, Tim J. Green

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The authors would like to correct an error in their recently published paper [1]. The prevalence of inadequacy for iron for older infants (6–12 months) should be 75%, not 92%, as reported in the paper. The software [2] used to calculate the prevalence of inadequacy requires the user to enter the percentage bioavailability of iron. The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for iron in older infants is 7 mg/d and is based on 10% iron bioavailability [3]. When we entered 10% bioavailability, the software set the EAR at 12.6 mg/d, not 7 mg/d; thus, the prevalence of inadequacy was overestimated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1144
Number of pages2
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2023


  • Australia
  • Australian feeding infants and toddlers study
  • infants
  • nutrient intake
  • nutrient reference values
  • prevalence of inadequacy
  • survey
  • toddlers


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