'Creative City' R.I.P.?

Samuel Whiting, Tully Barnett, Justin O'Connor

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Unlike the terms ‘creative industries’, which nobody ever quite understood, and ‘creative class’, about which actual ‘creatives’ were always ambiguous, the ‘creative city’has been an incredibly successful global policy meme, to which cities across the world continue to aspire. From the early 1990s, faced with de-industrialisation, rising unemployment, and the increased global mobility of capital, professionals, and consumer-tourists, the ‘creative city’became an essential part of the new urban imaginary for politicians, planners, local growth coalitions, and advocates and practitioners in art and culture.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
JournalM/C Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Creative industries
  • Art and culture
  • Public policy


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