Critical Dietetics and Critical Nutrition Studies

John Coveney (Editor), Sue Booth (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This second volume in the Food Policy series focuses on critical nutrition and dietetics studies, offering an innovative and interdisciplinary exploration of the complexities of the food supply and the actors in it through a new critical lens.

The volume provides an overview of the growth of critical nutrition and dietetics since its inception in 2009, as well as commentary on its continuing relevance and its applicability in the fields of dietetic education, research, and practice. Chapters address key topics such as how to bring critical dietetics into conventional practice, applying critical diets in clinical practice, policy applications, and new perspectives on training and educating a critical nutrition and dietetic workforce. Contributing authors from around the globe also discuss the role of critical nutrition dietetics in industry, private practice, and consultancy, as well the role of critical dietetics in addressing the food, hunger, and health issues associated with the world economic crisis.

The authors designed the volume to be a reference work for students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Critical Nutrition, Critical Food Studies, and Critical Dietetics. Each chapter offers concise aims and learning outcomes, as well as assignments for students and a concise chapter summary. These features enhance the value of the volume as a learning tool.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages175
ISBN (Electronic)9783030031138
ISBN (Print)9783030031121
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameFood policy
ISSN (Print)2365-4295
ISSN (Electronic)2365-4309


  • Critical dietetics
  • Trans-disciplinary scholarship
  • Food policy
  • Nutritional economics
  • Food systems
  • Food and nutrition studies
  • Community nutrition
  • Food ethics
  • Reflexive practice
  • Practice in action


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