Critical Discourse Analysis of Pre-enrolment English Program Curriculum Documents: Preparing Students for University Registers

Hayder Al Hamdany, Michelle Picard

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Objectives: Critiques in academic literature and Australian media focus on the English proficiency of international students in Australia, particularly those with EAL (English as an additional language) studying in Australia, raising doubts about their preparedness for university-level English studies (Arkoudis, et al., 2019). These concerns extend to pre-enrolment English program. To address this, the study examines the curriculum handbook of Australian universities' English programs. It reveals that this curriculum not only offers course and program information but also serves as a model for EAL students aspiring to enroll in Western universities. The study extends the analysis using the Verclaff Framework for Action (1989, 1995). Methods: Applying Fairclough’s framework, the study used a three-pronged critical discourse analysis of the English language program curriculum. This involved examining the text, interpreting the creation processes, and understanding the social and historical contexts influencing the text. Results: interestingly, the description reveals a clear and comprehensive structure, providing detailed information not only about the curriculum but also about staff, facilities, and the wider university and city environment students will engage with. Moreover, it delineates assessment tasks, with some fully detailed presentations. Conclusions: The curriculum document has become a comprehensive “book of rules” and a legal representation of the university. This study shows how the document prepares international students by teaching academic norms, complying with regulations, advertising courses, and providing curriculum information, while also addressing the socio-cultural aspects of their future studies at an Australian university.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)379-391
Number of pages13
JournalDirasat: Human and Social Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2024


  • Critical discourse analysis
  • curriculum documents
  • pre-enrolment English program


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