Cultural beliefs of adversity and income recovery and psychological status for earthquake survivors

Ngohtiong Tiong Tan, Yunong Huang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This research examines the associations between Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity, income recovery, and psychological status among the Wenchuan earthquake survivors. The relationship between positive Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity and life satisfaction was also mediated by income recovery. This research highlighted the importance of examining both positive and negative aspects of psychological status among disaster survivors and adopting different methods to work with different aspects of their psychological status.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014
Event5th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, IDRC Davos 2014 -
Duration: 24 Aug 2014 → …


Conference5th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management - The Role of Science, Technology and Practice, IDRC Davos 2014
Period24/08/14 → …


  • China
  • Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity
  • Depression
  • Disaster survivors
  • Life satisfaction


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