Designing and Implementing a Tandem Language Learning (TLL) Program for Learners of Chinese and English Using the Social Media App QQ

Jeffrey Gil, Han Lin, Gwendolyn Campbell

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In this chapter, we discuss our experiences designing and implementing an online Tandem Language Learning (TLL) program for university undergraduate-level learners of Chinese and English. Our TLL program, called the Chinese Corner/English Corner, involved native English-speaker learners of Chinese in Australia and native Chinese-speaker learners of English in China interacting via the social media app QQ to learn each other’s languages. We first explain the rationale for establishing a TLL program for these two groups of language learners, then describe the learning activities we designed and the principles which informed them. Following this, we discuss the benefits for students of the Chinese Corner/English Corner; namely, active engagement, substantial use of the target language, sustained participation, increased knowledge and understanding of the target
language culture, and flexibility of access.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTeaching about Asia in a Time of Pandemic
EditorsDavid Kenley
Place of PublicationAnn Arbor
PublisherAssociation for Asian Studies
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781952636202
ISBN (Print)9781952636196
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020

Publication series

NameAsia Shorts
PublisherAssociation for Asian Studies


  • Tandem Language Learning (TLL)
  • Chinese Corner/English Corner
  • learners of Chinese
  • learners of English
  • university education
  • language learning


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