Determining the number and size of background samples derived from an area adjacent to the target sample that provide the greatest support for a POI in a target sample

Jack B. Reither, Duncan Taylor, Bianca Szkuta, Roland A.H. van Oorschot

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


When sampling an item or surface for DNA originating from an action of interest, one is likely to collect DNA unrelated to the action of interest (background DNA). While adding to the complexity of a generated DNA profile, background DNA has been shown to aid in resolving the genotypes of contributors in a targeted sample, and where references of donors to the background DNA are not available, strengthen the LR supporting a person of interest contributing to the targeted sample. This is possible thanks to advances in probabilistic genotyping, where forensic labs are able to deconvolute complex DNA profiles to obtain lists of genotypes and their associated weights. Coupled with DBLR™, one can then compare multiple evidentiary profiles to each other to determine the contribution of common, but unknown, contributors. Here, we consider factors associated with taking background samples and whether one should collect multiple background samples that all relate to a single target sample, or if one should collect larger background samples rather than smaller samples. Background samples consisted of DNA accumulated on the items primarily by one or both occupants of a single household, while targeted samples were generated from touch deposits, or saliva deposits that had been left to air dry. Samples were collected from areas of various sizes, consisting of only the background, the target and the background directly beneath it, and the target and additional surrounding background. A broad range of DNA quantities were recovered, with larger background samples (400 cm2) yielding significantly more DNA than smaller background samples (30 cm2). Significant differences in DNA quantities between target samples were not observed. Generated DNA profiles were interpreted using STRmix™ and DBLR™, and where there was support for a common donor between the background and target sample, pairwise comparisons were performed to observe the effect on the LR supporting the target DNA donor contributing to the targeted sample when conditioning on one (or two) common donor between the targeted sample and 1–8 background samples. Multiple background samples gave significantly higher LRs compared to a single background sample, the larger sampled background area resulted in larger LR gains than the smaller areas, and four or more background samples reduced LR variability considerably. Here we provide recommendations for the minimum and ideal number of additional background samples that should be collected, and that several smaller samples may be more beneficial than a single larger sample.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102977
Number of pages10
JournalForensic Science International: Genetics
Early online date10 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • Background DNA
  • Common donor
  • DBLR™
  • DNA transfer
  • Likelihood ratios
  • STRmix™


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