Development and testing of the TopCat autonomous surface vessel for the Maritime RobotX Challenge 2016

Andrew Webb, Bradley Donnelly, Jesse Stewart, Jonathan Wheare, Michael Kossatz, Scott Hutchinson, Shane Geyer, Tenzin Crouch, Andrew Lammas, Karl Sammut

Research output: Other contribution


This paper gives an overview of the system design and testing of the TopCat Autonomous Surface Vessel developed by the Centre for Maritime Engineering, Control and Imaging at Flinders University. The paper specifically focuses on the approach to solve the tasks of the 2016 Maritime RobotX Challenge but also provides a broader overview of the development and application of TopCat.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherRobotx 2016
Number of pages12
Place of PublicationUnited States of America
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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