Development of an engagement framework to understand information needs

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


End-of-life care and palliative care are all about ensuring good quality of life for people right to the very end of life.
There is no single approach as the needs and priorities of individuals will differ depending on their condition and circumstances. People providing or receiving end-of-life care often need support and information to understand what is happening and to make decisions about issues suitable care and services. Information might come from family and friends, a doctor, or the media. Sometimes this information is based on traditional thinking or dissimilar experiences, or not based on facts. Research evidence brings together the
experiences and outcomes of many people, providing information on the most likely benefits and harms.
Access to relevant, up-to-date and reliable information can help people make informed choices and have realistic expectations. This may then reduce distress for families and carers and enhance confidence for those providing care.
CareSearch and palliAGED websites currently provide free online access to evidence-based information in end-of-life and palliative care. Consultation with health care professionals has been a major feature of
CareSearch/palliAGED content development.
To better understand what and how the general public and health professionals use, understand and access this information we have launched the Engagement Project. Aged Care is one of the target groups along with Allied Health, and Patients, Carers, and Families.
The goal is to support active communication and involvement in end-of-life decision-making by increasing everyone’s awareness and access to reliable, relevant information. Here we report on progress, and how engaging with those who know from experience what information is needed and how it is used is shaping our plans.
Interaction with online health resources is not well understood. It is hoped that development of a framework to capture user perspectives will increase understanding and encourage increased engagement with users.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018
Event51st Australian Association of Gerontology Conference - Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 21 Nov 201823 Nov 2018 (conference page)


Conference51st Australian Association of Gerontology Conference
Internet address


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