Development, piloting and validation of the Recommending Cardiac Rehabilitation (ReCaRe) instrument

Chantal F. Ski, Martin Jones, Carolyn M. Astley, Lis Neubeck, David Robert Thompson, Robyn Gallagher, Huiyun Du, Robyn A. Clark

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Background: Health practitioners’ values, attitudes and beliefs largely determine their referrals to cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Objective: To develop and test the Recommending Cardiac Rehabilitation scale (ReCaRe), designed to assess health professionals attitudes, values and beliefs to CR referral. Methods: ReCaRe was appraised for: content validity (Delphi method, expert panel); interpretability and face validity (interview, health professionals); factor structure and internal consistency (survey, health professionals); and test-retest reliability (survey, health professionals). Normative scores were collated. Results: ReCaRe initially comprised 75 items. Initially, a Content Validity Index (CVI) was calculated for ratings of item relevance (CVI range; 0.27–1.0), which resulted in the removal of 19 items. After preliminary validation and psychometric testing, 34 items were factor-analysed (n = 24) providing a 17-item, four-factor scale: perceived severity and susceptibility (α = 0.93, κ = 0.37); perceived service accessibility (α = 0.91, κ = 0.67); perceived benefit (α = 0.97, κ = 0.47); perceived barriers and attitudes (α = 0.82, κ = 0.49). ReCaRe normative scores (n = 75) are reported. Conclusions: This psychometric analysis found ReCaRe to demonstrate good face validity, internal consistency and fair to substantial test-retest reliability. The next step is to validate these initial findings on a larger sample size to confirm whether ReCaRe can enable identification of factors impacting CR referral.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)405-413
Number of pages9
JournalHeart & Lung
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019

Bibliographical note

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Referral
  • Scale development
  • Psychometrics


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