Directionally supervised cellular automaton for the initial peopling of Sahul

Corey J.A. Bradshaw, Stefani A. Crabtree, Devin A. White, Sean Ulm, Michael I. Bird, Alan N. Williams, Frédérik Saltré

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Reconstructing the patterns of Homo sapiens expansion out of Africa and across the globe has been advanced using demographic and travel-cost models. However, modelled routes are ipso facto influenced by migration rates, and vice versa. We combined movement ‘superhighways’ with a demographic cellular automaton to predict one of the world's earliest peopling events — Sahul between 75000 and 50000 years ago. Novel outcomes from the superhighways-weighted model include (i) an approximate doubling of the predicted time to continental saturation (∼10,000 years) compared to that based on the directionally unsupervised model (∼5000 years), suggesting that rates of migration need to account for topographical constraints in addition to rate of saturation; (ii) a previously undetected movement corridor south through the centre of Sahul early in the expansion wave based on the scenarios assuming two dominant entry points into Sahul; and (iii) a better fit to the spatially de-biased, Signor-Lipps-corrected layer of initial arrival inferred from dated archaeological material. Our combined model infrastructure provides a data-driven means to examine how people initially moved through, settled, and abandoned different regions of the globe.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107971
Number of pages13
JournalQuaternary Science Reviews
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2023


  • Archaeology
  • Human ecology
  • Population expansion
  • Superhighways


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