Discrete, Specified, Assigned, and Bounded Problems: The Appropriate Areas for AI Contributions to National Security

Zachary Rogers

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The cluster of technologies associated with artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, and the implications of these technologies across the spectrum of human activity including national security, generates a blur of fast-moving technological, political, strategic, and ethical puzzles. For all their hyper-modern veneer, tracing the trajectories of historical thought associated with these puzzles offers some much-needed clarity. To this end, what follows is an overview of three relevant trajectories. While far from exhaustive, practitioners and theorists alike in national security should have a solid grounding in these thought trajectories to facilitate reasoned decisions about AI research and development.


  • Positivism
  • Behaviorism
  • Dualism
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Neo-Positivism and the Digital Age
  • Behaviorism and Pseudo-scientific Laws


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