Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: an investigation of information-sharing and enforcement with a focus on interstate orders: Final report

Annabel Taylor, Nada Ibrahim, Heather Lovatt, Shellee Wakefield, Nicola Cheyne, Katrina Finn

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review

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Throughout the 1980s, every Australian state or territory moved to enact legislation with the purpose of protecting women from intimate partner violence through the provision of a civil court order, or Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPOs).

Enforcement of DVPOs, including across state and territory borders, is the primary focus of this project, which draws on empirical research conducted in 2014-16. The research highlights that issues that compromise victim safety do not occur in legislation, but in its implementation and enforcement. Further, inconsistencies and competing interests at the intersections of domestic and family violence, child protection, and family law remain an impediment to effective implementation and enforcement of DVPOs. Effectiveness of the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme, a national information system to enable courts and police in different jurisdictions to share relevant information, will be compromised without the removal of inconsistencies, along with the safety of women and their children being given the greatest priority.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMackay, QLD.
PublisherAustralia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety Limited (ANROWS)
Number of pages132
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-925372-65-6
ISBN (Print)978-1-925372-64-9
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameANROWS Horizons
PublisherANROWS: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety
ISSN (Print)2205-8907
ISSN (Electronic)2205-8923


  • Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPOs)
  • Domestic and family violence
  • Enforcement
  • Safety
  • Child protection
  • National Domestic Violence Order Scheme


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