Editorial: Analysing Psychosocial and Contextual Factors Underpinning Bullying and Cyberbullying

Eva Romera, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Grace Skrzypiec, Rita Zukauskiene

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

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Studies about bullying have identified it as a public health problem, with serious academic and psychosocial consequences. The extant literature defines bullying as an intentional phenomenon, repeated over time, which is sustained by the relational dominion-submission model established between victims and aggressors, and that is generally maintained by a lack of bystander intervention and indifferent bystander attitudes. This behavior pattern of aggressive interaction has been further broadened and diversified through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) that has given rise to what is commonly known as cyberbullying.

Although the multicausal nature and negative effects on the well-being of those involved in bullying and cyberbullying have been clearly identified, high levels of involvement in such negative behavior remain. In the study of bullying and cyberbullying, the implication to cognitive, social, and moral competencies, which young people display in interpersonal situations, and which denote aspects of their social personality, have also been examined. Moreover, contextual dimensions, such as social status, group norms, and school climate have been identified as elements associated with the risk of school children becoming victims or aggressors and with the possibility of such behavior reoccurring.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2602
Pages (from-to)1-3
Number of pages3
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2019


  • bullying
  • cyberbullying
  • risk and protective factors
  • psychosocial
  • context variables


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